The ISchoolInitative
In The ISchoolInitative, Travis is arguing the importance of using technology in the classroom. He believes that it would not only be beneficial to the students, but also to the teachers and parents. The ISchool will help with teacher shortages and the overcrowded classroom because it will save $600.00 per student. This will allow the school system to have more money to accommodate more teachers. The savage per student is due to the IPhone touch, which many students already own. On the IPhone, there are several apps that are beneficial to students. The cost of this project is only around $150.00 per student.
The ISchool captivated my mind. I agree with Travis that it will be very beneficial to the schools. The school my sons are currently attending is already practicing with technology. They do not have computers for each student in the classroom, but they do send everything home by email. They use edmodo to turn in their homework assignment. The things that really blew my mind was all the features that are already on the IPhone. I use my phone every day and I didn’t know it is capable of all those features.
Watching Eric Whitacre’s Virtual Choir was amazing to see how everyone was able to come together through the internet and create a brilliant piece of music. Everything flowed so well together and nobody seemed to be a little late with the notes. I loved it and it was truly a blessing to see.
Teaching in the 21st Century
In the video, Teaching in the 21st Century, Kevin Roberts believes that teaching is turning from the old method of pencil, paper, and text book to computers. I believe that Mr. Roberts is saying that students no longer need teacher’s to hold their hands through lessons anymore because they can now search it out for themselves. We as the educators now need to take our places and begin to help them learn how to use the internet wisely. This means that our projects and homework assignments should now consist of using the internet to gain the answers. I believe our future will consist of becoming technology teachers, so therefore we need to become more knowledgeable.
Why I Flipped My Classroom
Why I Flipped My Classroom and Flipping the Classroom - 4th Grade STEM are great to help teachers reach every student’s individual needs, which can be very challenging sometimes. I love the idea of flipping your classroom. Flipping your classroom reminds me a lot of because the students who are way above some of the other students can do projects that consist of what they are learning. The other students are able to recap with their parents for further assistant. My son’s third grade teacher says that "flipping her classroom with the edmodo website has been very affective" (Mrs. Woodward. Flipping my classroom would be something that I will try because it’s beneficial to both the students and the teachers.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Blog Post #4
Langwitches 1st Grade Create Own Read Along Book
Langwitches podcast blowed my mind. It was great to see students engaged in a learning activity and having fun at the same time. The podcast seemed to be a great tool that helped the students build each another reading level. I was amazed that a simple little book turned into a great deal to students. The students was so engaged with the activity, that they began to take it over. Technology has come a long way and it's becoming very beneficial to the children.
I could really say that the podcast activity turn into one of those great teachable moments, which gets better the more you go on. My favorite activity was Flat Stanley. I learned from Langwitches podcast activity is that the best way to teach is where the children mind set is at during that time. Right now students are really into technology and they seem to catch on when you involve them into the learning process. Children are tired of the old pencil and paper way. Reading out of the book in boring, but hearing your audio voice reading to you is great.
Langwitches podcast blowed my mind. It was great to see students engaged in a learning activity and having fun at the same time. The podcast seemed to be a great tool that helped the students build each another reading level. I was amazed that a simple little book turned into a great deal to students. The students was so engaged with the activity, that they began to take it over. Technology has come a long way and it's becoming very beneficial to the children.
I could really say that the podcast activity turn into one of those great teachable moments, which gets better the more you go on. My favorite activity was Flat Stanley. I learned from Langwitches podcast activity is that the best way to teach is where the children mind set is at during that time. Right now students are really into technology and they seem to catch on when you involve them into the learning process. Children are tired of the old pencil and paper way. Reading out of the book in boring, but hearing your audio voice reading to you is great.
Welcome To My Mind
Angela Rand Welcome To My Mind blog discussed research for her Library Instruction Model. During the time of this blog, her mind was pulling in many different ways. Her main focus stayed on her Library Instruction Model. She created and presented a Library Instruction Model to a group of professional librarians. The library Instruction Model was designed for librarians. It was to replace the old system and become more useful, motivating, and effective for librarians.
I believe the Library Instruction Model would be a great asset for librarinas. Sometimes change is for the better. Librarys have evolved so much since I was a child. The presentation of the Instruction Model seemed like a great step in the right direction.
PhdChat Wordle
Angela Rand does an online Twitter chat with other people who are trying to get a doctoral degree. Sometimes being on those online chats became a little overwhelming because she could be involved in serveral chats at once. The chats were wonderful and gave her a chance to have conversations with other peers in the same field. Online conversation was a great tool for her future. The only thing she didn't like about the online chats is that you never really understood someones intentions.#PhDchat
Being in EDM310 has showed me that I don't know half of what I thought I knew about the internet. Twitter is one acoount I thought I would never use. I have been on Twitter for the passed two weeks and I enjoy it; even though, I still don't know what I am doing.The internet is an open book I so far am loving to read.
Angela Rand Welcome To My Mind blog discussed research for her Library Instruction Model. During the time of this blog, her mind was pulling in many different ways. Her main focus stayed on her Library Instruction Model. She created and presented a Library Instruction Model to a group of professional librarians. The library Instruction Model was designed for librarians. It was to replace the old system and become more useful, motivating, and effective for librarians.
I believe the Library Instruction Model would be a great asset for librarinas. Sometimes change is for the better. Librarys have evolved so much since I was a child. The presentation of the Instruction Model seemed like a great step in the right direction.
PhdChat Wordle
Angela Rand does an online Twitter chat with other people who are trying to get a doctoral degree. Sometimes being on those online chats became a little overwhelming because she could be involved in serveral chats at once. The chats were wonderful and gave her a chance to have conversations with other peers in the same field. Online conversation was a great tool for her future. The only thing she didn't like about the online chats is that you never really understood someones intentions.#PhDchat
Being in EDM310 has showed me that I don't know half of what I thought I knew about the internet. Twitter is one acoount I thought I would never use. I have been on Twitter for the passed two weeks and I enjoy it; even though, I still don't know what I am doing.The internet is an open book I so far am loving to read.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
EDM 310 Class blog #3
Technology in Special Education
The video Technology in Special Education was a great informational tool. It was great to see that students who once did not have a voice and thought they never would was able to gain one in the end. Technology is a very important tool in her classroom because it was able to gain the attention of special need students. At first view you were able to tell that the classroom was a special needs room, but once she showed how technology worked in her class you couldn’t even tell a difference. Technology made her classroom do a full 360.
I believe in some cases technology should be included in the classrooms, but I think we should limit the students to a time. I believe that tunnel vision can develop from the constant use of technology and watching too much television. We should limit the students on using technology only when really needed, but not for everything. I have noticed in my pre-k classroom my students are fascinated with learning on the smartboard and they are always wanting to play learning games on it. Technology has it good and bad because the students need to learn that technology is not the only way of learning. I remember when I was a child going outside to play was the way I learned and I turned out great.
How the iPad Works with Academics for Autism
The video How the iPad Works with Academics for Autism was amazing to see a gifted young boy be able to complete a task happily. Going onApple.Education helped me to find an APP that deals with Mathematics. I believe this APP could help enhance my special needs students math abilities. It practices mental addition and subtraction with motion of colorful fish. This APP will challenge the students mind to create different way to come up with a sum. This game I would use mainly in a small group setting with three to four children at a time.
Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts
In Video Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts the teacher hits every learning fundamental. In using technology the students learn so much. The student were able to use their creative abilities to learn more than just the average. She was able to teach the students at the level in which they are at because many students learn better by doing. Her students were able to teach a lesson from just the little bit of information she gave them.
Her classroom reminds me so much of EDM 310. Before I came to South cell phones and computers were not really used in the classroom. At South cell phone are welcomed to complete your assignments. I have learned that there is more to computers then just typing, researching, and facebook. I'm glad that I took this class because the school systems are going to paperless, so this class has done me some good.
The video Technology in Special Education was a great informational tool. It was great to see that students who once did not have a voice and thought they never would was able to gain one in the end. Technology is a very important tool in her classroom because it was able to gain the attention of special need students. At first view you were able to tell that the classroom was a special needs room, but once she showed how technology worked in her class you couldn’t even tell a difference. Technology made her classroom do a full 360.
I believe in some cases technology should be included in the classrooms, but I think we should limit the students to a time. I believe that tunnel vision can develop from the constant use of technology and watching too much television. We should limit the students on using technology only when really needed, but not for everything. I have noticed in my pre-k classroom my students are fascinated with learning on the smartboard and they are always wanting to play learning games on it. Technology has it good and bad because the students need to learn that technology is not the only way of learning. I remember when I was a child going outside to play was the way I learned and I turned out great.
How the iPad Works with Academics for Autism
The video How the iPad Works with Academics for Autism was amazing to see a gifted young boy be able to complete a task happily. Going onApple.Education helped me to find an APP that deals with Mathematics. I believe this APP could help enhance my special needs students math abilities. It practices mental addition and subtraction with motion of colorful fish. This APP will challenge the students mind to create different way to come up with a sum. This game I would use mainly in a small group setting with three to four children at a time.
Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts
In Video Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts the teacher hits every learning fundamental. In using technology the students learn so much. The student were able to use their creative abilities to learn more than just the average. She was able to teach the students at the level in which they are at because many students learn better by doing. Her students were able to teach a lesson from just the little bit of information she gave them.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
EDM310 class blog assignment #2
Did You Know? 3.0- A John Strange Version.
In the video originally created by Karl Fisch and Scott McLead it discusses how the world is evolving do to technology and the influence of second language speaking English students. Technology is a key to future success. Millions search Google every minute and in that same minute a SMS has been sent. Every minute millions has watched or upload a video to YouTube. Technology is the new form of communicating without have to write on a piece of paper or sit face to face.
The video also discuss how India has the highest IQs in grades k-12. India’s numbers beat the United States by a mile. In grades k-12, “25% of the students are Honor students (Did You Know? 3.0- A John Strange Version).” Gordon Brown prediction is by “2025 the number of English speaking Chinese would likely exceed the number of Native English Speaker.” Each day millions are learning to speak English; not counting the millions who already know how to speak English. Watching the video opened my eye to how I need to be a little knowledgeable about English as a second language students and technology. I also need to include technology in my everyday teaching style.
Mr. Winkle Wakes
By Mathew Needleman
Mr. Winkle Wake’s video discusses how over the past 100 years everything in the world has changed so much do to technology. A person could no longer go down the road and be healed by the witch doctor. The simple just doesn’t work anymore. All hospitals are equipped with the best technology to keep a person alive. Computers are not just in the hospitals, but they are also in the business offices. People no longer have to travel to have a business meeting; they could communicate from their office computer.
The only thing to Mr. Winkle that hasn't changed was the classrooms. School still has the old fashion sit down and listen to your teacher, while they lecture. There was an old computer sitting in the back that no one seemed to care about. The video was uploaded 2008 and since then technology has been added to the classroom. Smartboards are almost in every classroom for the teachers and students to use. We have recently received our smartboard and the students enjoy every lesson that involves the smartboard. Smartboards are just the beginning of the every changing technology world.
Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity
Sir Ken Robinson had very good points about creativity in education. He believes that we are “education our children for a future that we are very unaware of (Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity).” Creativity to Robinson is just as important as math, literacy, and every other subject. He believes that children will take a chance because they are not afraid of being wrong. Taking a chance makes them creative.
We “educate our children out of creativity” by putting them on medication because they can’t sit still. That is something I have done in my life time with my own child. My son seemed to me to have ADHD because he would talk, talk, and talk. It seemed as if he had an extra kicked that other children his aged didn’t, so I as a concerned parent talked to a doctor and began to medicaid him. As time went on I noticed that he is the same on or off the medication, therefore I saw a specialize that IQ tested him. The dcotor said he is a genius who is bored in class. I now use what I have learned to teach my pre-k students. Like Robinson, I believe that creativity should be just as important as everything else. My students learn through movement (dance) or music and they know just as much as the student sitting there listening to a teacher lecture or even more.
A Day Made of Glass
The video "A Day Made of Glass 2" is an eye opening video compared to "Mr. Winkle Wakes." Mr. Winkle’s fear of the newly changing world was just the beginning of what the world is going to look like. The things that Mr. Winkle discussed in his video are what's happening right now, but A Day Made of Glass is our future. Everything was pulled from out of the sky it seemed like in A Day Made of Glass. The students were learning from a glass laptop that projected from the glass smartboard. The field trips looked and seemed as if they were there in the mist of the dinosaurs. The future is amazing, she was able to touch her closet door and select the items that she wanted to wear. The doctor was able to help one another in different parts of the world and seems as if they were face to face.
From watching the video our future seems to be filled with glass technology. Everything seems like you will be able to reach out and grab it or live in that moment. Mr. Winkle Wakes’ video seems like old news compare to" A Day Made of Glass". The future made of glass will be great, but it will lack those hands on experiences. People will to stop trying to do for them self’s if they are able to have the experience they will with glass technology. A Day Made of Glass will have its good and bad because it will only make us depend more on computers then our own brains.<br />
Revised 9-19-2012 do to classmate comments
In the video originally created by Karl Fisch and Scott McLead it discusses how the world is evolving do to technology and the influence of second language speaking English students. Technology is a key to future success. Millions search Google every minute and in that same minute a SMS has been sent. Every minute millions has watched or upload a video to YouTube. Technology is the new form of communicating without have to write on a piece of paper or sit face to face.
The video also discuss how India has the highest IQs in grades k-12. India’s numbers beat the United States by a mile. In grades k-12, “25% of the students are Honor students (Did You Know? 3.0- A John Strange Version).” Gordon Brown prediction is by “2025 the number of English speaking Chinese would likely exceed the number of Native English Speaker.” Each day millions are learning to speak English; not counting the millions who already know how to speak English. Watching the video opened my eye to how I need to be a little knowledgeable about English as a second language students and technology. I also need to include technology in my everyday teaching style.
Mr. Winkle Wakes
By Mathew Needleman
Mr. Winkle Wake’s video discusses how over the past 100 years everything in the world has changed so much do to technology. A person could no longer go down the road and be healed by the witch doctor. The simple just doesn’t work anymore. All hospitals are equipped with the best technology to keep a person alive. Computers are not just in the hospitals, but they are also in the business offices. People no longer have to travel to have a business meeting; they could communicate from their office computer.
The only thing to Mr. Winkle that hasn't changed was the classrooms. School still has the old fashion sit down and listen to your teacher, while they lecture. There was an old computer sitting in the back that no one seemed to care about. The video was uploaded 2008 and since then technology has been added to the classroom. Smartboards are almost in every classroom for the teachers and students to use. We have recently received our smartboard and the students enjoy every lesson that involves the smartboard. Smartboards are just the beginning of the every changing technology world.
Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity
Sir Ken Robinson had very good points about creativity in education. He believes that we are “education our children for a future that we are very unaware of (Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity).” Creativity to Robinson is just as important as math, literacy, and every other subject. He believes that children will take a chance because they are not afraid of being wrong. Taking a chance makes them creative.
We “educate our children out of creativity” by putting them on medication because they can’t sit still. That is something I have done in my life time with my own child. My son seemed to me to have ADHD because he would talk, talk, and talk. It seemed as if he had an extra kicked that other children his aged didn’t, so I as a concerned parent talked to a doctor and began to medicaid him. As time went on I noticed that he is the same on or off the medication, therefore I saw a specialize that IQ tested him. The dcotor said he is a genius who is bored in class. I now use what I have learned to teach my pre-k students. Like Robinson, I believe that creativity should be just as important as everything else. My students learn through movement (dance) or music and they know just as much as the student sitting there listening to a teacher lecture or even more.
A Day Made of Glass
The video "A Day Made of Glass 2" is an eye opening video compared to "Mr. Winkle Wakes." Mr. Winkle’s fear of the newly changing world was just the beginning of what the world is going to look like. The things that Mr. Winkle discussed in his video are what's happening right now, but A Day Made of Glass is our future. Everything was pulled from out of the sky it seemed like in A Day Made of Glass. The students were learning from a glass laptop that projected from the glass smartboard. The field trips looked and seemed as if they were there in the mist of the dinosaurs. The future is amazing, she was able to touch her closet door and select the items that she wanted to wear. The doctor was able to help one another in different parts of the world and seems as if they were face to face.
From watching the video our future seems to be filled with glass technology. Everything seems like you will be able to reach out and grab it or live in that moment. Mr. Winkle Wakes’ video seems like old news compare to" A Day Made of Glass". The future made of glass will be great, but it will lack those hands on experiences. People will to stop trying to do for them self’s if they are able to have the experience they will with glass technology. A Day Made of Glass will have its good and bad because it will only make us depend more on computers then our own brains.<br />
Revised 9-19-2012 do to classmate comments
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