Sunday, September 23, 2012

Blog Post #4

Langwitches 1st Grade Create Own Read Along Book

Langwitches podcast blowed my mind. It was great to see students engaged in a learning activity and having fun at the same time. The podcast seemed to be a great tool that helped the students build each another reading level. I was amazed that a simple little book turned into a great deal to students. The students was so engaged with the activity, that they began to take it over. Technology has come a long way and it's becoming very beneficial to the children.

I could really say that the podcast activity turn into one of those great teachable moments, which gets better the more you go on. My favorite activity was Flat Stanley. I learned from Langwitches podcast activity is that the best way to teach is where the children mind set is at during that time. Right now students are really into technology and they seem to catch on when you involve them into the learning process. Children are tired of the old pencil and paper way. Reading out of the book in boring, but hearing your audio voice reading to you is great.

Baby on IPad


  1. Did you read/watch anything other than the Flat Stanley project? It does not appear so from what you have written. One out of three of the assignments. Unsatisfactory.

  2. I agree with Dr. Strange. You should also re-read your blog before submitting it because you have a lot of improper sentence structures.

  3. I saw a few grammar mistakes in your post. I'm sure you would catch them by just re-reading the post before you publish it. Also, you should be sure to do the whole assignment. I know we have a lot to do each week in this class, but it is still important to do everything on our checklist for the week. Your links appear to be working well and you have a picture with a title.
