Sunday, September 23, 2012


Welcome To My Mind

Angela Rand Welcome To My Mind blog discussed research for her Library Instruction Model. During the time of this blog, her mind was pulling in many different ways. Her main focus stayed on her Library Instruction Model. She created and presented a Library Instruction Model to a group of professional librarians. The library Instruction Model was designed for librarians. It was to replace the old system and become more useful, motivating, and effective for librarians.

I believe the Library Instruction Model would be a great asset for librarinas. Sometimes change is for the better. Librarys have evolved so much since I was a child. The presentation of the Instruction Model seemed like a great step in the right direction.

PhdChat Wordle
Angela Rand does an online Twitter chat with other people who are trying to get a doctoral degree. Sometimes being on those online chats became a little overwhelming because she could be involved in serveral chats at once. The chats were wonderful and gave her a chance to have conversations with other peers in the same field. Online conversation was a great tool for her future. The only thing she didn't like about the online chats is that you never really understood someones intentions.#PhDchat

Being in EDM310 has showed me that I don't know half of what I thought I knew about the internet. Twitter is one acoount I thought I would never use. I have been on Twitter for the passed two weeks and I enjoy it; even though, I still don't know what I am doing.The internet is an open book I so far am loving to read.


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