Sunday, October 7, 2012

Blog Post #6

Randy Pausch Randy Pausch
Randy Pausch
is a wonderful motivational speaker. It’s amazing to watch a video of a man with his medical background still give great speeches to encourage people. Randy seemed to be in better health then I am in now. It was great to see how life still goes on no matter what the outcome may be. Randy knows that time is short for him, but that did not stop him from delivering his last great lecture.

Randy talked a lot about childhood dreams and how he accomplished them in some kind of way. My childhood dreams are something that I took for granted. By watching the video I learned that completing my dream could have made the outcome of my life a lot different. As a teacher, I will make sure that the students in my class can accomplish their dream or give them advice on how to accomplish their dreams. Dreams make you into the great person that you will be as an adult. By watching the video I learned that dreams are not stupid, but they are meaningful.

My favorite quote from Randy’s video was about the football coach. The team wanted to know why the coach did not bring a football to football practice, the coach asked the team “How many players are on the field and how many have the ball at that time?” The teams response was “22 players and one has the football.” The coach then explained how “They were going to work on what the other 21 players are doing.” That statement told me that it’s not about the job everyone else is doing but what you are doing. As a teacher, I will no longer worry about what the other teacher did or didn’t do, but what I could do to make it better.

It was sad to hear that Randy passed, but in his lectures he left words of encouragement for teachers and parents. First, is to never give up on your childhood dreams. Second, it’s not about what everyone else is doing but what you are doing. Third, life goes on, so do your best to be your best. Those three things will be something that I will share with my children as a parent and teacher.


  1. This was a great post Georgia. I am glad you wrote not only what the video was about but also what you got out of it.
    "Randy seemed to be in better health then I am in now." I totally agree. I would not have been able to do one of those push ups!
    Great grammar. Your link worked. Your post was organized and thoughtful! I enjoyed it!

  2. Georgia,

    Good job. Everything seems to be in order and you did a nice job of summarizing what you thought were the main points of the lecture and adding in your own thoughts. Keep up the good work.
