Friday, October 26, 2012

Blog Post #9

What I’ve Learned this Year
Stay Postivie
At the Teacher’s Desk: What I’ve Learned This Year blog is an outstanding learning tool for new and old teachers. The blog consist of seven main points in which he believes is what he learned in his first year of teaching and how beneficial they will be for him in the future. The first topic was on How to Read the Crowd. He discusses how teachers are so concern with the “delivery of the content that they are missing important aspects of teaching, and that is checking for student comprehension.” He also believes that a teacher should be flexible because “NO LESSON IS EVER PERFECT. THE LESSON YOU TEACH AND THE ONE YOU PLAN ARE ALWAYS DIFFERENT.” Mr. McClung discusses how communication “is important in the work place”, as well as” listening to your students”. Being reasonable is important for teachers and to never stop learning. There is always room for every teacher to learn, therefore a teacher should not be afraid to use technology.
I agree that many teachers put the understanding of the lesson at the very end of their list of things to do. Students should not memorize the lesson but they should understand the lesson as a whole, so that they can reapply it later. If the students “drive your instruction” the lessons will become “more effective.” Being flexible is one of the greatest assets a teacher could have and the will-power to learn from their students. I believe that being reasonable, using technology, listening to your students, reading the crowd, being flexible, and communication are the keys to a great teaching career.
What I’ve Learned this year-Volume 4
Students in gym
Mr. McClung volume 4 discusses how he began to question himself as a teacher with his surrounding peers. This year he felt as if he not only had to have the well done from his students and supervisor, but also his peers. It took him most of the year before he realized that peer approval is not the approval he needed. He needed to be true to who he is as a teacher. He was not just worried about his peers but he was also worried about challenging himself as a teacher. Teaching the same subject began to make him relaxed in being creative.
Being a pre-k teacher in a private facility has its challenges. There is one set curriculum which comes with books and guides. After being there for five years, I as well began to reuse lesson plans because everything is already given to me. This year I was able to start fresh because I started the year with a new co-teacher. Being with my new co-teacher I am able to create new lesson plans and use my creativity.


  1. George your reflections were great and all of your links are working. A few sentences needs to be reviewed for comma usage, for example, "He was worried about his peers but he was also worried about....", I would insert a comma before but. I also found the sentence hard to understand that stated "This year he felt as if he not only had to have the well done...." instead of saying "had to have a well done," I would say had to be accepted or something that is clear. Overall you write a great post with a few minor mistakes, good job.

  2. Hi Georgia,

    I think Brittney has good suggestions for your post. I would also like to add: In the beginning of your post you referred to Mr. McClung as "he" several times before you actually mentioned his name. Make sure your reader knows who you are talking about from the beginning of your post.

    Stephen Akins
